Saturday, July 25, 2009

Out the gate

Greetings Gents,

Well, we are 1/4 way through the word. I am excited to say the least. I have a tool that I use to check my spiritual wellness. I call the tool "Change the Song". Here is how is works. When I first wake in the morning even before my eyes are open I have thoughts that stir me and I usually have a song in my head playing like a tape. For a while last year the song was not glorifying to God and many times I felt disconnected from Him. So I Change the Song and here is how. When I am in the word of God regularly and I am in fellowship I find that the song changes for me. I awoke this morning singing praise music to the Lord in my spirit. Pretty cool way to wake up. The song was changed becuase the Holy Spirit is active in my life for this day. I hope your song is good tomorrow morning.

Now for some straight talk. If you are behind catch up. I have had many good conversations with you guys over the past few weeks. Some of you read well and others do not. I am in the do not category. I prefer to listen and read instead of simply reading. We have enough sets of the CD's out there if you think you could benefit from this wonderful tool.

As of today I am right on schedule and finished reading 1Kings 16. Please post where you are at or let us know tomorrow. I would like to know who if finding this easy, challenging, etc ....



1 comment:

  1. As of today, I am 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 7. I am a few days ahead. I am finding this easier than I thought. I can knock some reading out before work, at work, and after work. I have found that if I sit watching TV at night for about two and a half hours, I can finish my days's assignment just during the commercials.

    I have the audio CDs for anyone to borrow.

    My point is that if you need to catch up, you may come over to my house and we can read/listen together or alternate.

    This will be a powerful testament to the Lord to have our bible study group complete this challenge as a group.

    In Christ,

